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New member says 'hi'

Subject: New member says 'hi'
From: Robert Alexander <>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 10:10:22 -0400
Greetings fellow Bricklin fans.

I have just recently joined the list and wanted to say 'hi.' My name 
is Robert Alexander. I'm a computer programmer who lives on (and 
works from) an old farm in Ontario, Canada, just north of Toronto.

I also just recently (like this past Friday) picked up a beautiful, 
very red, Bricklin SV1, VIN 1746.

Here's some pictures I took yesterday morning:

The car has been painted; but it's still Safety Orange under its 
beautiful new skin.

All-in-all, it's in quite good shape.  For those who recognize this 
car from the Annual meet, it used to be owned by Bob Mitchell of King 
City.  Bob's a friend of mine, and the person who did the 
restoration.  I'm sure he's going to be an invaluable source of 
knowledge for me going forward -- I hope I don't bug him too much.  ;)

A bit ironic that I get the car just a week *after* the big gathering 
in near by Kitchener-Waterloo.  Maybe next year...

There's a few things the car needs (isn't there always), and few 
things I want to do to it.

It's currently running a tad rich, so I need to adjust that, and, as 
much as I really like a nice throaty growl from a V8, the exhaust 
system is currently too much of a good thing. Need to get the air 
going again, too. There's a couple small cracks on the top of the 
drivers side door that need attention, too.

Things on the 'want to do' side mostly revolve around increased 
performance. And the on-going battle against heat. :)

My first question after driving the car for a while was, "Is it 
always this hot?" <grin>


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