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RE: Fw: Bricklin club members?

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Fw: Bricklin club members?
From: Jim Pivirotto <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 14:00:56 -0700
The only thing I know about Joe is that he contacted a lot of the original
Bricklin dealers to try and buy their cars and parts after the Bankruptcy.
He contacted my father (dealer) and offered a ridiculously low price for our
4 speed and was told thanks but no thanks and don't call again. Pugs

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Bricklin club members?

>From what I understand it is not a club in the same sense: I don't think 
there are dues, a board, members, meets, magazine, web site, etc.  It is Joe

deLorenzo's organization and I believe he split with BI at some time in the 
past.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  He advertised a gathering in North 
Carolina last September but I had a previous commitment.  Did that take 
place, and did anyone attend?

George Curley

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