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Paint or not to Paint

Subject: Paint or not to Paint
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 21:29:49 EST
Since I have to replace several panels on ol' 1343, I'm probably going to 
have to paint the whole car.   The front fenders, hood extension, and 
driver's door panel are all in great shape and it doesn't seem right to paint 
over them (the rear quarter panels are also good but it's too much trouble to 
remove them).  So... my options are:
1) Paint only the panels I replace (hood, rear hatch, roof and passenger 
2) Paint the whole car including the good panels.
3) Replace the acrylic fenders, hood extension, and drivers panel with 
fiberglass and paint the whole car.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm thinking the cost of shipping the 
fenders (big) and door panel (very fragile) would be prohibative.

BTW, the car is white.

Marvin May

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