Any one had any luck finding aftermarket seals for the doors?
Both the glue on seal that attaches to the door, and the clip
on seal that goes around the door opening of the birdcage?
I've looked at some of the stuff in JC Whitney. They have some
that looks like it might work. But I'm wondering if anyone has
already purchased any from any source - before I was my money.
Also what about the felt for the inside of the window frame?
Does anyone know what the dimension of any of these seals should be?
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email:
Va. Beach, Va Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
71 Saab Sonett III (71500840) 75 Bricklin SV1 (0887) 77 Spitfire