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RE: smoke

Subject: RE: smoke
From: "Olenick, Jamison" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:14:46 -0400
   I had the same problem with my fathers Bricklin #1080.  I dont remember
exactly what was the fix to this problem but we did replace the Ignition Switch,
starter solenoid, and the starter.  I think that the problem was with the
Ignition Switch or the Starter Solenoid but I cant remember what was the fix for
   Anyway....If these parts in your car aren't new it might not hurt to replace
them all.  I think that the Solenoid was ~$20, ignition switch was cheap also
(~$15??) and the starter was $50 or so.  They were not hard to replace either
although the ignition switch was a bit tricky. 


ps - email me if I can be of any help.  this same problem drove me crazy for a
long time.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:   Wednesday, August 18, 1999 7:33 PM
Subject:        smoke

Was in the final stages of completing and trying the air door system
when all hell broke loose. Compressor works, switches hooked up to
correct doors etc.
        Went to start car and it barely turned over (battery is new and fine)
--- Saw smoke from the battery/control panel compartment and I
disconnected the positive battery cable. The smoke lasted about 5 secs
as I realized what was happening.
        Seems I had the red positive battery cable hooked up but forgot to hook
up the black neg. battery cable , but had the 12 guage wire hooked
(black from the neg side of the battery) the one that is used for the
ground and goes to the control panel. Then I hooked up the proper black
neg. battery cable and when I reconected the positive cable the engine
turned over with no key in the ignition. Then tried again and just a big
ARC across the battery.
        Allfuses are ok
        saw no burnt or damanged wiring ---looked externally by starter ,remote
starter solenoid, fuse box, under steering wheel and in battery and
control panel compartment and under car.
        Saw and smelt the smoke behind the drivers seat only but I know I have
other problems

        Any ideas ??    Thanks    George Iluk

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