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Re: Brickline back issues

Subject: Re: Brickline back issues
From: "William H. Whitney" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 00:33:55 -0500 wrote:

> anyone know how to purchase back issues of Brickline Magazine?

I have a COMPLETE set of every _BRICK_LINE_ published in original
condition except for 3-hole binder punctures, including the original
publication: _BI_LINE_, the Toby Thompson issue, etc. Also, several
copies of some issues. I may be interested in selling the originals AS A
SET and would not like to break up the set to "fill in the gaps" of
other collectors unless my duplicate issues can be used for that

If you are serious in wanting to purchase a FULL set of ORIGINALS,
please reply to this email and I will spend the time cataloging the set
and working up a price.

TIA... Bill...

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