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Re: I need to hotwire my Bricklin!!!

Subject: Re: I need to hotwire my Bricklin!!!
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 18:55:20 -0400
At 06:16 PM 8/13/98 EDT, you wrote:

>When the car died this time, the key turned to the start position like
>always, but the car did not start.  I had power cause I had live gauages 
>and warning lights.
>I think the rod in the steering column  is not pushing the switch that
>activaetes the starter solenoid due to misalignment---they arent lining 
> any ideas?

YUP! Lots of 'em

> My car is a 75. some of you guys have recently been discussing some sort 
>of bypass switch in the engine compartment?  


You don't have this bypass switch.  It is ONLY in the 74s.

As I said yesterday, there is an article on this subject comming out
in the Oct. issue of The Bricklin.

However, before I answer your question - let me caution  you!!!!

W A R N I N G     W A R N I N G   W A R N I N G

D O   T H I S   A T   Y O U R    O W N   R I S K

T H I S   C A N   C A U S E   A   E L E C T R I C A L   F I R E
                          O R 
D A M A G E   Y O U R    W I R I N G    S Y S T E M

So if you don't really understand electricity, you can be asking for

Now to answer your question, "how do I hot wire my car"

The short answer, is:

1.  Turn the ign. switch to the "ON" position

2.  Take a alligator clip and connect to the front SMALL post of the 
    starter solenoid.  Take the other end of the alligator clip and 
    touch it to the LARGE rear stud on the starter solenoid.  This will
    bypass the ignition switch part of the circuit. 

The starter should start.

The assumes that YOU are correct in YOUR diagnosis.  There could be other

>anything I am forgetting that should be done while the dash is out?

Yes!  Purchase and install the A/C duct modification from Terry Tanner.


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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