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Re: Some Brick questions

To: K M <>
Subject: Re: Some Brick questions
From: Steve Bepko <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:59:18 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, K M wrote:

> Fourth, anyone got any torque links or an old, beat up 74 carb that they 
> want to get rid of?

We may still have ours kicking around somewhere (Terry took them off when
we went down there Summer 97).  What are the worth ?  And why do you want
them ?
> Fifth, has anyone put an electronic ignition on a 74?  If so, what brand 
> and what results. 

We have a DeltaKit CD Ignition on ours.  I swore by these in my Mustang
days (puts out a fast rise very high voltage spark, no wear on points
other than mechanical, needs good spark plug wires, works with tach if you
add a 39k resistor in series with the sense line).  Definitely helps.
Timing seems a little less critical, and you know what a pain in the ass
it is to set that up (has anyone EVER found the timing marks ?).

I am Pentium of Borg, precision is futile,
you will be approximated...

   _____                         .     .
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    /  .|                       Baltimore, MD.           .        ....o |

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