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Re: On The Road Again - VIN 1758 =)

Subject: Re: On The Road Again - VIN 1758 =)
From: "William H. Whitney" <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 20:52:32 -0400

>> BTW, when my doors don't work, i can avoid crawling through the hatch by 
>sliding in race car style.  Just gotta be careful =)

Before I put air doors on my previous Bricklin, I had the same problem.
Crawling in the hatch is no fun. What I eventually did was remove the
pins at the top of the door lift rods and open to door by hand. I thing
each door weighs about 90 pounds or so, but it's not that bad to lift as
some of the weight is carried by the top hinges. Beats, the
embarrassment on hatch crawling. People who don't know a Bricklin
probably think that's just the way to do it.


William (Bill) H. Whitney, VIN #624 
Owner, Micro Business Applications, dBase/Clipper/FoxPro consultant

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