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Re: Round 04 Results Update

To: "John Kelly" <>
Subject: Re: Round 04 Results Update
From: "Glen Anderson" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 09:34:19 -0700
I think that the vast majority of people that attend our events would rather
have results with errors posted quickly rather than wait a week and have
results with less errors posted. Also, the time it took to post the more
up-to-date results was really no longer than it took to post them the "old"
way.People like having results, even if incomplete, sooner rather than

Like Jerry said before, If we are going to wait  to post results until they
are all perfect, we will never post results. Regardless of which method of
timing and scoring we use.

I understand that a few people don't like the computer system, that's fine.
The thing to realize is that the computer system is still in its baby years
with SFR. No other region in the country is using AXWare the way we are...we
are stretching the limits of what the system can do and we are slowly but
surely moving to a much more bulletproof setup. I believe we will have a
very successful event this Sunday as most of our glitches seem to be worked

Glen Anderson

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