Glen Anderson was able to reconstruct the results file, and nearly all of the
problems that had been reported were actually correct in this file. Also
plenty of missing times nobody cared about have been provided.
But there could possibly have been other problems introduced. Please review
your results and let Pat know if you see something.
Also, Glen Anderson was able to discover the source of our connection problems
last event, and this should never happen again. the online database update
seemed to come through OK, all the changes made at the table appear to have
come back. We did have a few cases where the paper barcodes did not read, and
I am still working on that. Continue to bringing your printed barcodes to the
front of the registration line, since they can still type in the number and
get to your changed record. Cable problems have been addressed and we have
installed a WiFi router with a powered long range antenna so those issues
should be relieved, too.
Round 5 will be much better.