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Round 5

To: "'Bay Area Autox'" <>
Subject: Round 5
From: "Navid Kahangi" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 19:58:41 -0700
That was a fun day at Marina.  We had a very light turnout and made a
decision to combine the groups in the morning and the afternoon.  We got a
late start (9:40) partly because the bonehead course designer set his alarm
clock to the new time, set the alarm, but forgot to turn it on!  Needless to
say, he did not get paid.  :-)  The other reason for the delay was the
logistics to combine the run groups.
Once we got going, things ran very smoothly.  The new timing and scoring
system worked without a problem.  It took Robin all of 2 minutes to combine
the run groups and I don't recall holding the start once during the day
because of the new system.
Everybody got 5 official runs and we had many fun runs at the end of the
day.  We were packed up and on the road by 5:00pm.
Tam and I would like to thank everybody who went above and beyond the call
of duty to make this event run smoothly.  Despite having only 4 run groups
we were often short of workers.  The regular cast of characters were there
to jump in and help.  Jeremy, Arnold, Cameron, the setup and teardown crew
who worked so diligently, especially Gordon's brother (sorry I forgot his
name.)  I think he single-handedly picked up every cone and tossed them in
the RV at the end of the day.
We hope everyone had fun!
Tam and Navid

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