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Re: thoughts on changes

To: "Rob Lipton" <>
Subject: Re: thoughts on changes
From: "Viet-Tam Luu" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:15:45 -0800
What is it they say about only constant being change?  :-)

I don't think there are "too many" changes going on. The change over
to the computerized timing and scoring system was long overdue, IMO.
At any rate, it was going to happen sooner or later, and I think it
was going to be somewhat painful regardless given the logistical
challenges that our region faces at just about every event. (That
being said, Boondoggle probably wasn't the best time to roll it out,
in hindsight.)

With regards to street tire class changes, if you don't agree with
them or any other changes, you are free--welcome, encouraged--to
express your views at a Steering Committee meeting. In fact the reason
I started showing up to meetings was to fight the changes for 2005.

Viet-Tam Luu (a.k.a. "Tam")
SFR-SCCA Solo2 #149 SM
Sponsored by WORKS (

On 3/13/06, Rob Lipton <> wrote:
>  I've been doing autox about 1.5 years, this is the start of my third,
> none-too-illustrious season.  I've mostly enjoyed it a great deal.
> Although still learning the ropes, probably a never-ending process, I've
> noticed a few things that have happened over the period of time that
> while, not hugely troubling, are of some concern.   Since 2004 there
> have been two large changes in street tire classification and now we are
> dealing with the simultaneous implementation of a new computer scoring
> system and a run group change.  Is this par for the course?   It seems
> like  there are a great deal of really experienced people in SF SCCA
> solo and it seems lik a relatively mature organization, so why the rush
> into so many changes, changes that seem to reverse themselves from one
> year to the next?    Were the underlying conditions that the changes
> were meant to remedy or improve so pressing?

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