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Slush Rounds 3 & 4

To: Bay Area AutoX <>
Subject: Slush Rounds 3 & 4
From: Tim Dolan <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:48:12 -0800 (PST)
Hello autocrossers,
Beautiful weather and a fast and open Charlie Davis course greeted all of 
Sunday's participants at Round #3 in Oakland. The Francavilla clan chaired a 
very smooth running event, something that is becoming their trademark. Sunday 
was also Cathy's and my second autocross anniversary. It has certainly been a 
lot of fun and a wonderful opportunity to meet a bunch of great folks.
Three rounds remain in the Slush Series:
Round # 4     Candlestick  11/13       Masashi Motonoga &
Round # 5     Marina         12/04       Alan Chin & Nicholas West
Round # 6     Oakland       12/11       Gordon White & Brenda Barnes
If an experienced event chair would please step up to co-chair at the 
Candlestick Event, it would be much appreciated.
By the way, next year's event schedule chief is Jeremy Rine. The scuttlebutt is 
that Jeremy is accepting donations to ensure venues of choice. Get in early 
while the opportunity exists.
Warm weather and clear skies are predicted for Candlestick.

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