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SFR demographics and willingness to travel

Subject: SFR demographics and willingness to travel
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:54:00 GMT
First, a few observations: 85% of the individuals entering SFR events do NOT 
run 50% or more of the events. However, 
For those 130-150 out of 1000-1100 individuals for whom the issue of "drops" is 
potentially relevant:
Drops are a good thing to prevent one's season from being ruined due to things 
one can not control such as illness, mechanical breakdowns (including when 
travelling to the event), hour-long traffic delays, business obligations, 
family obligations, etc. These things biting me or my competitors have altered 
trophy positions in more than half of the 15 competitive seasons I have run.
Dropping events by choice carries a high probability of putting one right out 
the running for closely contested season trophies. 
Based on 1999 SFR regular season participation for Oakland, Candlestick, 
Stockton, Mather, and Atwater by 287 individuals:
The attendance rate for events within 35 miles of one's hometown was 90%.
For events between 36 and 60 miles; 46%.
For events between 61 and 90 mile; 38%.
For events between 91 and 120 miles; 30%.

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