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Rookie chair people.

To: ba-autox <>
Subject: Rookie chair people.
From: Ben Martinez <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 16:21:36 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All,
          I'm chairing the SCCA event on Sunday June 12th in Oakland. Since we 
need to get more regular particpants more experience putting on a good event, 
we are thinking of trying to pair up on assignments. So if you want to help 
chair or co-chair an upcoming event this season, and have said to yourself, 
"HOLLY CRAP BATMAN" that is a lot of work, well here is your chance to learn 
the ropes from the veterans-who have put on TON's of events. By doubleing up 
you will not have to feel like people are going to ask you to make that big 
decision, not have the right answer,  or know who ask for the right 
information. This helps EVERYONE.
So please come out on the 12th and volunteer to participate so you are 
confident you can one day soon do it on your own. So we will take the first two 
people and work from there.
                          Let me know   Ben  Martinez

74 Mk1 2.8L autocross
73 Mk1 2.8L street

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