i can tell you from experience that driving home in the rain last event
that 710's drive like slicks on freeway puddles! not recommended.
they work fine otherwise in street driving. cold mornings better let
them warm a little before leaning on them.
OSP - Occasionally Straight Pointing
Pat Kelly wrote:
>There's still a difference. Race slicks are not legal for use on public
>roads, R tires are, unless something's gone really off the charts.
>--Pat K
>>From: "John J. Stimson-III" <john@harlie.idsfa.net>
>>On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 02:28:08PM -0700, Pat Kelly wrote:
>>>I'm curious. Are we talking about slicks as in race tire slicks, or slicks
>>>as in street legal slicks?
>>>--Pat K
>>Race tire slicks. The Kumho V710 resemble slicks (no tread but for
>>two grooves), but fit in the latter category.