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Re: Drift Day Norcal

To: John Kelly <>,
Subject: Re: Drift Day Norcal
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 19:53:18 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Viet-Tam Luu

"Maybe when we have our own dedicated auto-x site we'll be able to
dictate who can and can't come to "our" playground, but until then I
think we'd be better served by educating the general public about what
we do, rather than try to discourage others who want to do their own
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

People doing their own thing is okay with me. What I'm concerned about is
those folks who have no concern for others and run open exhausts, etc.
That's what got us removed from GGF before. The natives are restless and it
does nobody any good to wake them up.
        You haven't really lived until you meet Albany hill resident
"Helga" doing her performance in front of the Albany Planning Commission as
they decide whether or not we autocrossers can play on the GGF lot.
        Albany residents lack the sophistication to differentiate between
sports car and sport sedan folk. We all look alike to them.

--John Kelly

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