-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by INTERNET:Smokerbros@aol.com
Well......the beater wouldn't start yesterday so I reluctantly pressed the
95 'Maro (275/40/17's) into snow service to get me one mile to the grocery
store. The Wash DC area was hit with 6 inches of snow the day before and
was actually drizzeling even though the temp was only 26 degrees F. so you
can imagine how slippery things were. Our side-road had been packed down
but NOT salted or sanded so it was pretty slick but all I needed to do was
get aboout 80 yards to the main street which showed a lot of black and I
would be homefree. My driveway had some ice on it but I had no rocksalt
sand to help it."
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
Thank you for posting that piece of humor. It brought back memories of my
stay with the U.S. Army at Fort Belvoir, VA, about 30 miles south of DC. I
was discharged during the final days of January and, faced with a wintery
neighborhood (although not as deep as the current situation) with an Austin
Healey 100M, I headed due South into the Carolinas before heading west into
Louisiana on the southern-most highway I could find. Snow was 6-foot deep
in the Texas panhandle so I avoided that. I didn't have any tire chains. I
was due to enroll at Oakland City College in five days so I had to hustle.
I made it.
--John Kelly