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re: Clean lot in Oakland

To: "autox" <>
Subject: re: Clean lot in Oakland
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 13:24:37 -0800
It was a great event, and a fun course, and yeah it was pretty clean, of
course I was in afternoon group so didn't see the "before" picture.  Of
course, if Macko isn't running for points, why the heck's he got to beat my
time and reduce MY point count in the standings??  :-)  (Oh, and by the way,
same to Charlie!)  Jeff, thanks for the ride, what a difference in our styles.
Maybe it's your German hardware that lets you do it that way - of course it
always feels different from the passenger seat!

Speaking of clean, Candlestick has been uniformly filthy and the porta-potties
have been generally either gross or way overdue for changing.  I'm just
curious whether we're getting the conditions that we have contracted for.
"Somebody said" a few events ago there that we were paying or sharing payment
for a power sweeping?  I've never seen evidence of it judging by the glass
tire-piercers I pick off of every course there.


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