On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 09:35:27AM -0700, James Creasy wrote:
> im not an expert, but our expert guy told me to get a 15 watt iron for
> surface mount work. id check this out pretty carefully as you dont want to
> nuke your ecu.
Really, you would want a *temperature controlled* soldering iron of
any power for delicate work. Operating with an underpowered soldering
iron can be very frustrating and you could end up frying the circuit
traces or the chip anyway. The Weller WTCPT works really well, and
costs around $110 including the stand. If the chip is one of those
PQFP (spider) packages, you'll definitey want to get a sharp tip so
you can touch one lead at a time.
> OSP - Oll Systems Permitted
Olternative Spelling, Perhaps?
john@idsfa.net John Stimson
http://www.idsfa.net/~john/ HMC Physics '94