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First Time Autocrossing

To: <>
Subject: First Time Autocrossing
From: "Carl Merritt" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:35:44 -0700
This was my co-driver/student/car owner John Nitis's VERY FIRST AutoX or 
motorsports event of any sort, driving his 2002 BMW M3 SMG.  He was a total 
rookie, besides one BMW car control clinic down at Marina and frequent 
terrorizing of the local wildlife on Skyline and Mt. Hamilton, so I've included 
all 7 of his runs to provide you veterans a walk (drive?) down memory lane on 
what it's like to learn on those first few laps.  It's not light weight, 10 
minutes of video is 35MB, roughly a 2 hour download on a 56K modem but far far 
faster with any respectable broadband connection:

First run, 46.x
Simply navigating the course, trying remember the course and not to DNF on the 

Second run, 46.x
John tries to drive "more aggressively", and ends up diving into every big 
corner too fast and whacking his first cone.

Third run, 46.x
After explaining to John that to go fast you need to be more aggressive on 
corner exit not corner entry, he drives a little timidly and smoothes things 
out considerably.

Fourth run, 44.6
After the smooth 3rd run, he starts pushing it more and scores his best 
official time of the day good for first place in AS-N!.  (yeah, well, so he was 
the only one in AS-N, just a technicality...)

Fifth run, first of 3 fun runs, 44.0
A beautifully smooth and 'slow' feeling run and another big improvement.

Sixth run, 42.9
I start yelling at him to get on the throttle earlier and to look ahead, huge 

Seventh run, 42.7
More yelling, even faster, hmmm....that seems to work well.  ;-)

And lastly my last and fastest fun-run in the car for reference.

Thanks again all, great event, and the ability to give a rookie 7 almost 
consecutive runs REALLY made the difference and pumped the fun-factor up 


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