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Re: Stockton & the inimitable Italian

Subject: Re: Stockton & the inimitable Italian
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 01:15:39 EDT
My apologies for flaking out on the course-designer job...

Plan A:  I got my Kumhos mounted for use on the Firebird, then the truck blew 
a tire, and it's not repairable.  I decide not to drive over to Stockton with 
no spare.

Plan B:  Work on Firebird on Saturday, drive Honda on Sunday.  Then, work on 
Firebird goes much slower than planned...  

Plan C:  Go design course, come home, work on Firebird rest of day.  

5:30 AM Sunday, Honda battery dead.  

Plan D:  Call Bryan, beg off, go back to bed and start again later...


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