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Re: PEP BOYS scum

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: PEP BOYS scum
From: "Lolita Adrien" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 20:17:50 -0800
"The Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent....." the intent
of this site?
Far be it from me to discourage a good discourse on the state of US vs. world
politics, but I think that most of those tuning in here have the intent of
debating the relative merits of push-rod vs. dual overhead's or air pumps and
liters vs. cubic inches.
Also, it's sooooo much more satisfying to do the verbal dukeing out in person.

Besides- you're both wrong

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 19:48 PM
Subject: Re: PEP BOYS scum

> (Larry Stark)
>            Ahn,
>               We all have our opinions and you have expressed yours. You are
> clearly opposed to the war. When I was your age I was opposed to the Vietnam
> war but for entirely different reasons. We were fighting to protect a
> autocratic regime only because they were anti communist. Times have changed.
> The world has changed since 9/11. We have to change the way we look at
> things. The United States is now in a war with terrorists that has already
> cost us 3000+ American lives, has the airline industry on the brink of
> collapse, has severly depressed the economy with the loss of hundreds of
> thousands of jobs but most importantly, Americans don't feel safe in their
> own country or homes anymore. Your too young to remember Neville Chamberlin
> and I'm sure California's sorry schools don't teach it but Chamberlin, Prime
> Minister of England signed a peace accord with Hitler allowing him to take
> over what was Chekoslovakia. It was the classic case of appeasement. It was
> the treaty to bring peace to Europe. The result was a war that killed more
> than 20 million people. Appeasement doesn't work.
>           When war with Iraq became a real possibility I was opposed to it
> because of the effect it would have on the rest of the Arab/Muslim world and
> their opinion toward America. I then realized the Arab/Muslim world hates
> America already. I realized what President Bush was doing. He was going to
> put the security of America ahead of all other considerations. Saddam
> had showed his cards by paying the family of every Palestinian suicide
> $10,000. He swore he had no weapons of mass destruction including SCUD
> missles yet SCUD missles are falling on Kuwait. He said he had no chemical
> weapons yet he killed 5000 Kurds in a chemical attack in Iraq and used
> chemical weapons in the Iran/Iraq war. Saddam presents a threat to America
> possessing weapons of mass destruction and would without blinking an eye
> them on to Al Quida and other terrorist groups for use against America.
> President Bush has changed the ground rules. Your either with us or against
> us in the war on terrorism. Attacking Iraq is a preemptive strike to prevent
> Iraq from providing weapons of mass destructions to terorists. It sends a
> message that if you support terrorism your going to have to suffer the
> consequences. President Bush would rather have Iraqi's die than American
> civilians. You have no concept of how many thousands of Americans could die
> from Anthrax, Ricin, Small Pox or other chemical attacks. I for one wan't to
> save American lives at any cost. Frankly I don't care how many Iraqi's are
> killed. The world has changed. Idealism died on 9/11. Its us against the
> world and whatever the President has to do to save American lives I'm behind
> him.
>      Larry
> P.S. When we're done wiping up Iraq we can go after our other major enemy,
> the ungrateful back stabbing arrogant French!  Nothing would delight me more
> than seeing columns of American Abrams tanks rolling down the Champs d'
> with every tank commander giving the finger to the French. Won't happen
> though. The French would surrender when the first American lands.
> Larry,
> >
> >
> > Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  I will
> > definitely not give Pep Boys any more of my
> > business, because of your tip.
> >
> > Having said that,  I am not sure what you mean by
> > "support[ing] our soldiers in the field,"  and I disagree
> > with your statement about "orders to defend America."
> >
> > First,  I support our soldiers.  I want them brought
> > home, now.  I want them home alive and not in body
> > bags.  I want them home before they use any more
> > of my tax dollars to wreak collateral damage.  I want
> > them home before they antagonize any more people
> > in the world.  And I want them to be able to go back
> > to their old jobs at Pep Boys or wherever.
> >
> > As for "orders to defend America,"  our troops are
> > not over there to defend America, because Iraq is
> > not a threat to America.  That's not my say-so --
> > it's George Tenet, director of the CIA.
> >
> > If you really want to "defend America,"  you should
> > be bombing Saudi Arabia.  That's where most of the
> > 9/11 hijackers came from.  Or Michigan, because
> > that's where Timothy McVeigh came from.  We
> > didn't bomb the upper peninsula for Oklahoma City,
> > and we shouldn't bomb anybody else for the
> > World Trade Center either.
> >
> > What our troops are doing over there is spending
> > your tax dollars to make our President's very rich
> > friends even richer,  and shredding what's left of
> > the goodwill and sympathy that the world had for
> > you and I right after 9/11.
> >
> > This is how it works:  the government take money
> > away from schools and seniors and Medicare, and
> > give it to the weapons industry for a bunch of
> > hardware  (dollar sign number 1.)  With this hardware
> > they go and bomb the bejesus out of little Ibrahim
> > in Iraq.  After taking over the country,  they use
> > Iraq's oil to pay Halliburton  (VP Cheney's company)
> > to "rebuild"  Iraq  (dollar sign number 2.)  Meanwhile
> > the rest of the world is getting really pissed off at all
> > this bullying.  Some of them will be pissed off enough
> > to sign up for terrorist boot camp.  And so the 9/11
> > sequel is on its way.
> >
> > Thanks for listening, and see you at Kragen's.
> >
> >    Au
> >
> > PS. Autocross content:  $200 billion (the expected
> > cost of Gulf War II)  will buy every autocrosser in
> > America a Z06, a 911 GT2, and have enough left
> > over for a life-time supply of Hoosiers.
> >
> >
> > At 10:32 PM 3/20/2003 -0500, wrote:
> > > (Larry Stark)
> > >
> > >         I picked up the enclosed story from The Tuscon Citizen on the
> > >Vettnet. Regardless of what you think of King George or the war, as an
> > >American you have an obligation to support our soldiers in the field.
> > >don'y make policy. They take orders to defend America. Read the
> > >article about Pep Boys and think twice about doing business with them.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >FWIW.
> > >                              Larry

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