Well, I guess that is another way to look at things.
And whether we believe in this war or not, and whether
or not we believe in what President Bush does or does
not, is what makes us very fortunate. Fortunate that
we live in a free country, a democracy. A country
where we all have the right to have an opinion. And a
country which is welcoming to people of all
nationalities. This is why I am proud to be an
American. God Bless America, our troops, and the
people in the Middle East.
-Arie "sure do miss autoxing" Villasol
"However my life is worth nothing to me; if only I may
finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus
has given to me. The task of testifying to the gospel
of God's grace."
-Acts 20:24
--- "A. H. Nguyen" <ahn@employees.org> wrote:
> Larry,
> Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will
> definitely not give Pep Boys any more of my
> business, because of your tip.
> Having said that, I am not sure what you mean by
> "support[ing] our soldiers in the field," and I
> disagree
> with your statement about "orders to defend
> America."
> First, I support our soldiers. I want them brought
> home, now. I want them home alive and not in body
> bags. I want them home before they use any more
> of my tax dollars to wreak collateral damage. I
> want
> them home before they antagonize any more people
> in the world. And I want them to be able to go back
> to their old jobs at Pep Boys or wherever.
> As for "orders to defend America," our troops are
> not over there to defend America, because Iraq is
> not a threat to America. That's not my say-so --
> it's George Tenet, director of the CIA.
> If you really want to "defend America," you should
> be bombing Saudi Arabia. That's where most of the
> 9/11 hijackers came from. Or Michigan, because
> that's where Timothy McVeigh came from. We
> didn't bomb the upper peninsula for Oklahoma City,
> and we shouldn't bomb anybody else for the
> World Trade Center either.
> What our troops are doing over there is spending
> your tax dollars to make our President's very rich
> friends even richer, and shredding what's left of
> the goodwill and sympathy that the world had for
> you and I right after 9/11.
> This is how it works: the government take money
> away from schools and seniors and Medicare, and
> give it to the weapons industry for a bunch of
> hardware (dollar sign number 1.) With this
> hardware
> they go and bomb the bejesus out of little Ibrahim
> in Iraq. After taking over the country, they use
> Iraq's oil to pay Halliburton (VP Cheney's company)
> to "rebuild" Iraq (dollar sign number 2.)
> Meanwhile
> the rest of the world is getting really pissed off
> at all
> this bullying. Some of them will be pissed off
> enough
> to sign up for terrorist boot camp. And so the 9/11
> sequel is on its way.
> Thanks for listening, and see you at Kragen's.
> Au
> PS. Autocross content: $200 billion (the expected
> cost of Gulf War II) will buy every autocrosser in
> America a Z06, a 911 GT2, and have enough left
> over for a life-time supply of Hoosiers.
> At 10:32 PM 3/20/2003 -0500, Larrybsp@aol.com wrote:
> >from:larrybsp@aol.com (Larry Stark)
> >
> > I picked up the enclosed story from The
> Tuscon Citizen on the
> >Vettnet. Regardless of what you think of King
> George or the war, as an
> >American you have an obligation to support our
> soldiers in the field. They
> >don'y make policy. They take orders to defend
> America. Read the referenced
> >article about Pep Boys and think twice about doing
> business with them.
> >
> >
> >FWIW.
> > Larry
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