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Re: Stupid trailer wheel grease cap question...

To: Jake Hodges <>
Subject: Re: Stupid trailer wheel grease cap question...
From: "John J. Stimson-III" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 10:05:40 -0800
Rubber mallet.  Bang sideways on the corner and it will tilt.  Knock
on the other side and the cap should come off.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 09:50:10AM -0800, Jake Hodges wrote:
> So, I got the Harbor Freight utility trailer..  The bearings and seals and 
> stuff for the wheels were haphazardly flung inside the hubs, and the grease 
> caps were pressed in for shipping.  How do you get these caps off without 
> destroying them?  I can't get a bite on them with my channel locks.
> Thanks,
> Jake

--                                              John Stimson                              HMC Physics '94

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