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Study: More Cars Crash After Super Bowl

Subject: Study: More Cars Crash After Super Bowl
From: Sean Bradshaw <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:26:08 -0800
In states with the losing team, the number of crashes increased 68 percent 
after the telecast ended, while accidents rose only 6 percent in the winner's 
state. Accidents climbed 46 percent in the "neutral" states. 

"It's clear that even the alcohol-negative people here have a reaction to it 
being the Super Bowl," said Stephanie Faul, spokeswoman for the AAA Foundation 
for Traffic Safety. "If you're replaying things in your head, you're not paying 
attention" to driving. 

A surge in deaths was seen in 21 of the 27 years studied, and was largest in 
the first hour after the telecast ended. There was no shift in the rate of 
accidents before the kickoff, but a slight decrease during the game. 
We should be included in that 6% number, :-) but still everyone be careful.

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