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RE: report from the front

To: "James Creasy" <>, <>
Subject: RE: report from the front
From: "Escano, Arnold (MP)" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:30:52 -0800
It wasn't Hydraulics....that was just me jumping up/down (cheech-chong style).

-----Original Message-----
From: James Creasy []
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: report from the front 

yesterday i attended the AFC championship game, otherwise known as "Raider
Nation Rising".  as a niners fan, the football game was of marginal
interest, but those crazy mothereffer raiders fans are my kind of folk!  the
festivities (read liver-threshold-testing) started well before 12 noon when
we got there.  metallica stopped by and played a set in the parking lot.

autox figures into the story because there was basically a 5 mile long
sideshow on international blvd leaving the game.  a couple times a block
huge crowds would mob the street and each car would do what it could in the
sideshow.  lots of innocent looking cars have hidden hydralics and would
dance back and forth across the lanes, then the muscle cars would do massive
peal-outs and donuts, leaving the street engulfed in smoke, rubber smell
mingling with significant amounts of herbal celebration.  people were
sitting on tops of the cruising cars, hanging out windows and hanging onto
bottles of tequila.  its amazing how many neon underlights are still
operational.  we were in a little BMW, not really designed for the burnout-
in fact we were usually waved on and not even allowed to try!  kirk you
shoulda been there to show them amateurs how.  look out san diego!


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