--- Rob Weinstock <weinstro@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I had trouble with the physical strength part, too.
> Afterall, aren't there
> many women in the mentioned age group that compete
> in gymnastics and tennis,
> two sports requiring a lot of strength and stamina?
I can tell you from first hand experience that an
argument used against women in racing is that they
lack the strength and stamina. I find this laughable
based on two examples you listed above, and my own
experience in competitive swimming, including long
distance open-water swimming, ultra marathon training
(I'm doing my first in March!) and soon even maybe
bike racing (and you're right, there are hardly any
women doing that!).
I was thirteen years old once. When I was thirteen, I
was encouraged to get off the bike and start wearing a
bra (I don't even need one now) and to start worrying
about what other people think of me. I was TAUGHT to
do this. Thank God, I know better now. I'm gaining
back my childhood, becoming one with the mud, and I
promise you, if my daughter wants a BMX bike, it's
hers, but only after I'm done with it.
What I see happening is you guys are nitpicking
irrelevent details to explain that she is WRONG, for
no real apparent reason. It's okay for you to do that,
but it's what I see you doing. You have no idea what
it's like to be a woman, so you do not really know
that she is wrong, when what I read is some simple
truth. You don't know how women think, either. You
don't know what it's like to be a girl in the 8th
grade. That's not your fault.
Katie Kelly
Guilt slows your metabolism.