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Re: Sociology

Subject: Re: Sociology
From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 20:11:51 +0100
>she is hurting her cause by taking such a comprehensively defensive stance.
>that is, she starts with the premise that women are inferior, "physically
>incapable" as she puts it.  imagine this same article, but replacing 
>with "negro".  here's an example:

I had trouble with the physical strength part, too. Afterall, aren't there 
many women in the mentioned age group that compete in gymnastics and tennis, 
two sports requiring a lot of strength and stamina?

Not that I'm any sort of expert or anything, but I inferred from the peer 
pressure, that the author was referring to peers of the same gender, i.e., 
other women. When I used to compete actively in amateur bicycle racing, I 
never saw or heard of ANY guy put down or discourage a woman in any way. 
Never. There was plenty of competitive chatter between women, however. 
Nevertheless, there just aren't that many women involved in that sport, and 
they race against each other in their own classes. So either they just don't 
like it very much, or they get pressure/discouragement from other avenues.



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