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Re: A newbie question about helmets ...

To: Ronald Phillips <>,
Subject: Re: A newbie question about helmets ...
From: Jim Ochi <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 17:04:59 -0700
At 04:09 PM 10/17/2002 -0700, Ronald Phillips wrote:
>Anyway, I bought a new helmet recently, an HJC model FG-12, size XXXL, 
>that shows as Snell approved on their ( website, but does not 
>have the tag inside the helmet. The question is: - will this helmet be 
>acceptable for use in Solo2 competition? Should I print out the page and 
>bring it with me that shows the helmet as being approved? Or, does the 
>helmet absolutley have to have the Snell tag?

The helmet absolutely needs to have the official Snell sticker.  A 
manufacturer's sticker on the back that says "Snell Approved" is not 
acceptable - it must be the real Snell sticker, either stuck inside the 
helmet or sewn onto the chinstrap.  Printing out the page and bringing that 
isn't acceptable, either.

What was explained to me by the late EJ Bayliss was that in forms of road 
racing, if a competitor is in bad enough of an accident, the Snell sticker 
is removed from their helmet - they either have to buy a new helmet, or 
send it back to the manufacturer for inspection/recertification.  Thus the 
need to see the actual sticker on the helmet - to prevent people from using 
knock-offs, imitations, or damaged decertified helmets.

Your best bet is to take another look inside your helmet.  If you can't 
find the sticker, take the helmet back to where you bought it, and ask them 
to show you the sticker.  If they can't find it, then exchange it for one 
with a sticker.


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