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Re: A newbie question about helmets ...

To: Ronald Phillips <>
Subject: Re: A newbie question about helmets ...
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 16:24:53 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Ronald Phillips wrote:

> Greetings,
> I would like to compete (1st timer :)) in this weekend's Solo2 event at
> Golden Gate Fields, and have a question about the acceptabilty of Snell
> rated helmets for competition at SCCA events. - Apologies if I'm asking
> something that is covered in a FAQ related to this list, but I couldn't
> seem to find one anywhere - Anyway, I bought a new helmet recently, an
> HJC model FG-12, size XXXL, that shows as Snell approved on their
> ( website, but does not have the tag inside the helmet. The
> question is: - will this helmet be acceptable for use in Solo2
> competition? Should I print out the page and bring it with me that shows
> the helmet as being approved? Or, does the helmet absolutley have to
> have the Snell tag?

As the helmet requirement is as much an insurance issue as a safety one,
the helmet really needs to have a sticker - SNELL90 or later.  Are you
certain that it isn't on there, perhaps under the liner on the foam shell?

If it doesn't have the sticker, the question would immediately arise as to
why.  You could send it back to HJC for refurbishment, but that might cost
as much as a new one.  Of course you can borrow a loaner helmet for this
weekend, assuming they haven't all been stolen yet.

As an aside, does an XXXL really fit you?  Perhaps you *can't* borrow a


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