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Re: Nationals Paddock and Rookie Mentoring

Subject: Re: Nationals Paddock and Rookie Mentoring
From: "Peter Mottaz" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 16:35:25 +0000
We'll try this again(I think Charlie tried once before)since everyone's 
schedules should be more clear by now.

If you are going to Nationals and are from the SF region, please post either 
to the list or privately to me:

1. When do you plan on leaving?
2. When do you plan on arriving in Topeka?
3. Do you need someone to reserve a space for you?
4. What class and car# are you competing in?
5. Is this your first Nationals?


>Subject: Re: Nationals Paddock and Rookie Mentoring
>Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 01:04:17 EDT
>Thanks for the reminder Charlie !
>Anyone arriving on Friday still able to save some spaces for us DSP'ers ?
>Would need one for me, one for Jeremy Rine, maybe one for Arie Villasol 
>I'm arriving late Saturday afternoon, can save spaces at that time but like
>Charlie says, would be nice to be in the same zip code with the rest of the
>SFR group.
>Thanks !
>Don Lew


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