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RE: Camber compromise for autox / track days...

To: "'Talley, Brooks'" <>,
Subject: RE: Camber compromise for autox / track days...
From: Mark Smith <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:52:11 -0700
Some people huh... I'd be more than happy just keeping up with "Mr
Porsche".... like that's gonna happen anytime soon! *wishful grin*. Forget
the braking - just sneak up the inside :) If I'm right your car is bigger
than a Porsche *grin*

Also (and I'm taking a slightly educated guess on this one) wouldn't the
effect of heavy braking alter the dynamic camber (is there such a thing?...
like I said this is a guestimate) due to the front of the car squating under
braking. Maybe that'd be another thing to look at reducing.

I'm also guessing that the less time squating would lead to less time with
brown shorts...

-----Original Message-----
From: Talley, Brooks []
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 9:58 AM
To: BayArea Team.Net
Subject: Camber compromise for autox / track days...

Hey, everyone.  Great event yesterday.

I'm curious what other folks who use the same car for autox and track
days are doing for camber in front.  I'm currently running 1.5 degrees
of negative camber, and would like to bump that up a bit.  However, I'm
told (and it makes sense) that increasing negative camber will
negatively affect braking performance on a road course.  That's
absolutely the last thing I need -- I've already had more than my share
of "please, Mr. Porsche-in-front-of-me, get off the brakes and back on
the gas NOW!" moments.

Ideally, of course, I could just adjust the camber myself before each
type of event, but I don't have that luxury in either time or equipment.


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