OK. I know people are tired of bike posts but when we were in the early
stages of high school, we used to ride our bikes out from San Lorenzo though
Crow Canyon Road to the Fairgrounds and watch our English Teacher Mrs. Riggs
race her 356. Pink helmet as I remember, perhaps inspired by Donna Mae
Mimms' Think-Pink Team (do I have that right Pat?). Saw her at out 35th
reunion last (two?) year ('s ago) and she said they still have the car.
Maybe I'm old and cynical but I betcha it was more fun then. When I wave to
another sports car, even another Miata, they are not even there. Maybe we
could have a just-for-the-fun-of-it-event sometimes? Stupid, huh?
Your Buddy, Tony
BTW, riding a 10 speed in 1963 meant you 1) could not afford a Corvette, and
2) were a hopeless geek. Nothing changes I guess.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com>
To: "Escano, Arnold (MP)" <aescano@guidant.com>; "Xheads (E-mail)"
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: WANTED to hire: VERY fast autocrosser(s)
> Arnold writes...
> > And why do we get always blamed 4 the asphalt tearing up...didn't
> > puck marks created by the nails used from all the Flea or Meet that also
happens there?
> No, those were from the FAIR, the WORST thing you could put on in a
perfectly good parking lot!
> I miss the Fairgrounds. I could ride my bike there from home. I could hear
the cars from my bedroom window.
> Katie