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RE: WANTED to hire: VERY fast autocrosser(s)

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>,
Subject: RE: WANTED to hire: VERY fast autocrosser(s)
From: "Escano, Arnold (MP)" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:51:25 -0700
Nothing can replace "experience"...there is always something we can learn,i 
like Pleasanton
though because u can go out by the Fence (sweeper always) and see who's the 
(big kahones)on that part of Track.Tried to get as much input as i can...
  I know John was one of opponent of OSP's...i didn't really care,i just want to
Race.My friend Jody (DSP orange Corolla) started me on it,he's allways battle 
it out
with Jack and what his name? the guy with Red Rx3 and also the Fiat X-19 
sounds familiar? 
 What happen to all the Bmod/Amod big wing cars???those guys are fun to watch.
 And why do we get always blamed 4 the asphalt tearing up...didn't that/those
 puck marks created by the nails used from all the Flea or Meet that also 
happens there?
 All we do is help expedite the tearing...hah,hah,hah.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly, Katie []
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:54 PM
To: Escano, Arnold (MP); Xheads (E-mail)
Subject: RE: WANTED to hire: VERY fast autocrosser(s)

Arnold writes...

>>Don't remember if SCCA/NCSCCA created
>>the OSP first?  Although i know that some folks resisted the voting for the 
>>Class look at it now.

I think it was NCSCC (or whatever it's called). My dad was one of the 
naysayers, while I had no opinion. The motivation behind it seemed cool to me. 
But we showed up one day - I think my dad was trying to prove some point that 
only HE understood (Hi Daddy!) - in the Lotus, on street tires! Hey, we totally 
fit the rules, or most of them. We did not have a windshield, that day, but 
what an easy fix! Nonetheless, I remember some people standing around the car, 
and Jack might have been one of them, complaining about this car in their 
class. That gets SOOO old sometimes.

All I remember, really, was that the Pleasanton Fairgrounds just got some fresh 
slurry coat that turned to gravel, and that I learned how to drive like a dirt 
tracker, just like on tv! Larry Park was announcing, and dammit, I wish I could 
remember what he said exactly. I miss Larry's ability to say the meanest, 
lowest wise cracks, but he could get away with it based on sheer delivery. Not 
everyone possesses this talent. There's just something about a Lotus 7 on 
Michelins, in dirt, with John Kelly behind its original Mack truck steering 
wheel that deserves ridicule, and Larry did not miss a beat. That was our one 
OSP experience. I guess trying to find the windshield would be too difficult.

Katie K.

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