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Re: Towing

To: <>
Subject: Re: Towing
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 09:30:13 -0700
The coliseum staff told me to go ahead and call AAA when I found an
abandoned car right in the middle of the course a few events back. After
several conversations with AAA it was determined that they could not tow
someone else's car off private property even though the coliseum had
requested it (indirectly). I had to insist the coliseum contact the Oakland
Police directly to remove it, which they did with fifteen minutes to spare.
Actually, we are "experts" on the Motor Vehicle Code relating to the
improper removal of vehicles around the family here after the police were
required to return a car at no cost to its original resting place on my

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