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RE: Loti

To: <>
Subject: RE: Loti
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 17:34:48 -0700
It just seems like this is more of a popularity contest. You have done nothing 
to prove that the car would be an overdog in DP, just that certain competitors 
only want it severely handicapped so that it can't ever be competitive. That's 
all you've said. The other DP competitors don't want it. Well, I didn't WANT 
the MR-2 Spyder in my class, but look! It's still there! All of those letters 
to the SEB, but hell, it's fair enough, so be it!

I don't believe that you have factored in their motivations, nor credability. I 
could just as easily list names of DP competitors who do not feel threatened by 
a 1000lbs Lotus 7A. It is my contention that those who do feel threatened are 
not potential class winners, are probably somewhere back in the back, and their 
opinions were formed 20 years ago when DP was a different animal.

This is a lot like Olympic Ice Skating.

Next subject. Let's talk about cute boys.


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