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RE: Loti

Subject: RE: Loti
From: "BOYLE,CRAIG (HP-Cupertino,ex2)" <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 17:16:52 -0400
 -----Original Message-----
From:   Scot Zediker [] 

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Loti

> Scot is quite funny at times. But Scot, remember that ONE time you drove
> and beat my best time for the day by 2 full sec. ? Hehehehe............

That's interesting.  On the day in question, I only remember beating your
S2K in my Miata. ;)  (That was a good day.  Out of the entire run group, I
was faster than EVERYBODY except some Brit in a red Miata.)

Hey, that means the Brit in the red Miata must have been fastest-in-group
(FIG?)  that day.  Pity I don't remember it.

Craig, some Brit, now without a red Miata. 

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