Well, but the stated rules don't account for that [in]acuracy. If the scales
are allowed to be +/- 1/2% (which I think is reasonable), then our minimum
weight should be +/- 1/2% too... for me on the kart (385 in my dreams, that's 2
pounds)... for Pat & John at 1200 pounds that's 6 pounds (the amount of the
tools they were complaining about). Frank Stagnaro at 2400lbs? 12 pounds.
Significant if you're playing in that territory.
--- ERito@aol.com wrote:
> i think that it is incredible that we would demand a 1/2% repeat accuracy
> from a portable sale. we are talking lab accuracy here in something that gets
> hauled from place to place.
> wow.
> ed rito
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