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Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice

To: "Stacey" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice
From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:44:41 -0700

For a little more exactness:

"Event" is any date on our event calendar that John Kelly
gives us.  

"Round x" is an event that I have gotten around to making up
an event info page for -- this means I feel confident in the
run groups, pretty comfortable about the site being available.
Note that when an Event becomes a Round, it also gets a link
to the info page.  But "rounds" can be cancelled too!  

Note that if we assigned a number to every event at the beginning of
the year, we'd have to change them all whenever one got cancelled.

Great questions, though.  I see that there is nowhere on our website
are they answered!  I'll work on that.


Jerry Mouton    Laissez les bons temps rouler!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stacey" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Stacey Wilbur" <>
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice

> Thanks everyone for helping me out.
> All of your explanations really helped clear things up for me.
> Special thanks to Pat, Paul, Kevin, Joe and Jim!
> -Stacey
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Pat Kelly" <>
> To: "Stacey" <>; <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:34 AM
> Subject: Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice
> > Stacey,
> >     We divide the year into two series, the Regional Championship Series
> > (the long, maybe 18-event series), and the Slush Series (shorter).
> > The champ series ends just prior to the trip to Nationals, and for many of
> > our more serious autocrossers that is the end of the season.
> >     Years ago, we realized that a lot of folks came into the sport sort of
> > part-way through the champ series, and would like to compete in a series, so
> > we developed the facetiously named Slush Series--no slush yet in 30 years of
> > running! :)
> >     The names round or event mean the same thing.
> > 
> > 
> > > How are points and awards calculated (on a series or yearly basis or 
> > > It sounds like from the
> >
> > > page that all the different types of events count toward year end points
> > > and trophy,
> > > however only 6 of the 8 event count and only 6 of the 7 event ones count.
> >     That means that if there is an 8 event series two of your worst scores
> > will be dropped; if there are 16, then your 4 worst event scores will be
> > dropped. This allows for people who have other things to do, and can miss an
> > event or more without a point penalty. (Or worse, if your car breaks and you
> > need time to repair it).
> > 
> > >
> > > How many of the 10 event ones count?
> > Ten evens would drop only two; it's not until you get to 12 events that
> > three will be dropped.
> > 
> > > So SFR has 24 events, so I have to do at least 12 of them and
> > > score in how many of them to be eligible?
> > That would be for the champ series, if we have 17 events you have to run 9
> > of those; for the slush series, if we have 7 events, you must attend 4 to be
> > eligible for year-end trophy.
> > There are two sets of trophies given out, one for each series.
> > >
> > > If 12 is the magic number does it matter when they are done?
> > > Example: can one run in two of the 3 series and not in the slush events
> > > and still get the required number or do they need to do half of all events
> > > in each series to be considered for awards/trophies?
> > Each of the two series are totally separate and do not affect each other.
> > BTW, the award banquet is usually held in January of the following year,
> > 2003 for this year, and is a lot of fun.
> > >
> > > Are there awards for each series and then for year end too?
> > >
> > > I am asking not because I expect to ever get an award but I would like
> > > to understand the process.
> > Understand and hope this info helps.
> > --Pat Kelly

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