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Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice

To: "Stacey" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Please help explain the different events to a Novice
From: Jim Ochi <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:40:57 -0700
At 11:04 PM 4/16/2002 -0700, Stacey wrote:

>Then 10   "SFR Championship Event"  dates
>Then   7  "SFR Slush Event"  dates
>What are the differences in these Rounds / Events?
>As in what is the difference in a Round and an Event?
>What is a Slush Event?

"Rounds" and "Events" are synonymous.  SFR runs two series per year - the 
Championship series, and the Winter Slush series.  Each one is scored 
separately, and you can win a trophy in one or the other or in both (if you 
drive really well).

>I read through the SCCA 2002 Rule book on CD but it did not seem
>to explain how the events get tabulated toward points.  Maybe this is
>just a regional decision?

It's a regional thing.  Each region sets up their events their own way.

>How are points and awards calculated (on a series or yearly basis or both)?
>It sounds like from the 
>page that all the different types of events count toward year end points 
>and trophy,
>however only 6 of the 8 event count and only 6 of the 7 event ones count.
>Yet the current series shows it is looking at the best 4 points awarded of 
>current 7 event series.
>How many of the 10 event ones count?

Somehow, I don't know what you're asking, or where the "6 of 8" or "6 of 7" or
"4 points awarded of the current 7 event series" come from.

Anyway, it shouldn't be that difficult.  Each event in the Championship 
series that you compete in will give you points towards the Championship 
series trophies awarded for that class.  Each event in the Winter Slush 
series that you compete in will give you points towards the Winter Slush 
series trophies awarded for that class.

For every 4 events in a series, you get one "drop", so your lousiest finish 
(or, if you miss an event, that counts as an event where you get zero 
points) is automatically discarded.  So, since we have 16 events scheduled 
for the Championship season, there will be 4 drops, and the points from 12 
events will be tallied up to determine who wins trophies.

>It also says "To be eligible for a year-end trophy in a given class, a 
>competitor must
>have scored points in at least half of the season's events in that class".
>So SFR has 24 events, so I have to do at least 12 of them and
>score in how many of them to be eligible?

If you want to be eligible for a trophy in a given class in the 
Championship series, you need to score points in at least half the 
events.  So, if you're competing in (for example) B-Stock, you have to get 
points in at least 8 events.  If due to scheduling issues we have to 
decrease the number of events in the Championship series to (another 
example) 14 events, you have to score points in at least 7 events to be 
eligible for a trophy.

Note that the two series are totally separate - if you run 5 events in the 
Championship series, that does not make you eligible for trophies in the 
Winter Slush series.

>Are there awards for each series and then for year end too?

There are trophies for the Championship series, for the Winter Slush 
series, and a yearly "Most Improved Driver" trophy.


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