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Re: San Diego Tour Registration Help ?

Subject: Re: San Diego Tour Registration Help ?
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 11:05:51 -0800 (PST)
On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 wrote:

> Hey All:
> I'm wondering how those of you going down to San Diego in March for the Tour
> are registering.  The fax# on the entry form doesn't seem to work.  The 800#
> somehow bounces off to some hotel desk.  Now I'm hesitant to mail the reg.
> form off since I'd hate for it to end up in a postal re-sorting bin in
> Colorado for wks.  Any suggestions ?
> Don Lew

I just called Rally/Solo and the fax machine was out of service over the
weekend.  It should be ok now.  I registered via fax a couple of weeks ago
without a problem, and entry lists should be up RSN.


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