Yup...It's the same thing with jumping horses over fences and the like, part
of the logic being that being that you will go where you are looking....
Just like this tape series that I've been listening to lately (on 130 mile a
day commute)says (in essence), think about what and where and who you want
to be, feel, do, etc...and synchronicity tends to come into play and carry
you where you need to be...
> In all seriousness the concept you outlined is
> critical to skiing the bumps. Skiing bumps is all
> about timing, if you're late into a turn it causes you
> to go back on your tails. Once you're on your tails
> it's almost yardsale time as you're already late (not
> enough time to setup your skis and legs (err,
> suspension)) for the next bump and so on. If you're
> only looking at the next bump you're done. You need to
> look at least 4 bumps ahead, you need to look at where
> you're going to be, not where you are. It sounds easy
> enough but unfortunately my skiing skills don't
> translate that well to an autocross course. :-(
> Cheers, Joe