Do people walk into Buddhist Temples, sit down, "meditate" and become
enlightened in a quick and painless half day program for $395?
No. First much discipline and patient learning is required, often including
countless hours of seemingly irrelevant manual labor.
Such is the same with Autocross. You must first learn, before you can
unlearn, and transcend the mortal distance between cones.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelly, Katie []
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 3:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Not Thinking
> Scot Zediker writes...
> >Yup. Don't think. Just drive.
> Okay, now there's the rub.
> Scenario A: You're brand new, you have a sea of cones, and
> someone tells you, "Just drive." So, you follow that mantra,
> and you just drive. And you see that you are twenty seconds
> behind your competition.
> So tell me what to do next.
> Scenario B: You're an instructor at the Jim Russell School of
> Performance Driving. You have fifteen students with varying
> degrees of experience. You put them in open wheeled racecars
> on Sears Point International Raceway, and you tell them, "Just drive."
> What happens next?
> Answer each question separately. There will be no grades.
> Katie