On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Kevin Stevens wrote:
> > #3, leave the red flag with the person with the radio. If someone calls
> > for a red flag over the radio, the radio person will be the best able to
> > respond quickly. That person also shouldn't be running for cones if you
> > can help it, so they can concentrate on their job (and so control won't
> > get broken-up radio reports).
> I like your other points but disagree with this one. The radio guy
> already has at least one hand full, and is usually located centrally,
> further from the course. Ideally each worker has a red flag, but if
> there's only one per station I prefer it in the hands of the shagger.
I agree that the radio guy has a hand full, but I like the red flag in
their hands for a few reasons.
#1, they have the radio. Most times you red flag someone, it will be
because of something that happened downstream of you. If you're paying
attention and see it, that's great but a radio call is the backup to get
you to stop folks. An extra couple seconds relaying the message can make
a difference between the driver seeing the flag and driving right by.
#2, they _are_ centrally located... all the time. A course worker out
shagging cones may be way outta position to redflag someone. The radio
worker will always be able to move into the driver's line of sight.
At events where you gotta keep a cone count, I think having a scorer, a
radio/flag person, and shaggers is the way to go. At events where you
don't need a tally, a radio/flag person and shaggers or a radio person,
flag person, and shaggers are ok in my book. However, with the last one
the flag person needs to be joined at the hip to the radio person.
Another thing I forgot to say before is that when you're working the
course and you see _your station_ waiving the red flag, do the arms waving
thing looking directly at the drivers. The "your station" part is
emphasized because you may well not need to redflag someone at station one
just because station 5 has redflagged someone.
(and that's a note to drivers as well. When you get redflagged, stop,
find out what's going on, then get going when its safe and the course
worker tells you to go. Don't dawdle, as the guy behind you may not need
to be redflagged if you're clear. Of course, you can't run at speed, but
you also don't need to go 5mph. Continue to pay attention to course
workers as well. If they give you the "hurry up" signal, go faster.)