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Re: No reruns when a DNF is scored

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: No reruns when a DNF is scored
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 20:37:40 -0700
Gee, Mark, relax. A regional event is just as important as a tour or
national to the folks entered. To denigrate their efforts is really uncalled
for. If a someone screws up and goes back 'up course' to correct it, so
what? Are you the one who may get a rerun out of it? That's not all bad,
--Pat Kelly
>From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
>To: Auto cross rag <>
>Subject: RE: No reruns when a DNF is scored
>Date: Fri, Oct 5, 2001, 8:40 PM

>On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Talley, Brooks wrote:
>> Ah, well, the things you learn.  From now on I (and anyone I'm riding
>> along with) is going to damned well going to loop around DNF'd cones,
>> unless it means running over courseworkers to do so.
>Thereby holding up the event, maybe ruining the run of the driver behind
>you (who didn't make a mistake), etc.
>This isn't F1.  It isn't even A1.

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