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12/19 date

Subject: 12/19 date
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 08:24:51 -0700 (PDT)
>I think it's great that we have an (tentative) event
>in December, is this a first for SFR? But guess what?
>it clashes with the only other event in December,
>NASA. Any chance of 12/9 instead?

We have been repeatedly told that these scheduling
conflicts are both unavoidable and desireable
[Population control, be glad they haven't gotten into
spaying!]. We have also been told that it is the
upstart NASA group's fault for setting their schedule
BEFORE the big club does. In this case, about 9 months
before! Doncha hate that?!
All of this is just fine. Mea Culpa.

The fact is, we simply run the third Sunday every
month plus New Years Day, it only changes for special
months like for Mother's Day and DeAnza Day. This
"unpredicatable" and "upstart scheduling" has been
going on for years but remains a difficult thing for
The November and December dates have been run as local
charity fundraisers, and not to fund some club
boondoggle motorhome deal either. Last year we raised
money [over $5000] for the local library and Christmas
charities. The concept went over well with those that
attended but lots of folks in the autocross community
just don't get it. And they do things like this
"unavoidable conflict".

But I have a solution to the December "unavoidable
I am cancelling our event at Marina.
Everyone happy now?

I will be putting on an event at that nasty
Thunderhill place if anyone is interested though. Only
the brave need apply. You will need a bit of track
experience and more than one gear to play. Anyone else
find it odd that the SCCASFR Solo2 group won't use
their own facility?

The Emperor's new[?] clothes are just fine with me.

Dennis Hale
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