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Trailer Repair in Topeka

Subject: Trailer Repair in Topeka
From: Sharon Levy <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:59:50 -0700 (PDT)
Well, my yellow car was safely being trailered out for
6 or 7 hours before the first fiasco.  

Anyone out there (who's not on the road to Topeka
themselves) know of a place that can do trailer
repair, or stocks parts (leaf springs and the
necessary hardware) so that we can do some work to the
trailer in Topeka?

Corey, Peter and Navid have managed to do an interim
fix to the trailer and (hopefully) make it safely to
Topeka, but we'd like to be able to get a better
repair job before heading back.  We'll be in Topeka
Friday, heading back the following Thursday.

I'll be doing Yahoo searches to find a spot, but if
anyone knows of a place that can help out, I'd
appreciate it if you drop me a line.

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