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Re: Nationals Paddock 2001

Subject: Re: Nationals Paddock 2001
From: Arie Villasol <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 23:04:20 -0700 (PDT)
is there an update on who all is going to be getting
to topeka first? and will, whomever those luck few
are, be trying to reserve as many as spots as they can

i arrive saturday PM and it would be great to have two
blocks of SFR contingent back to back, instead of
being spread out all over. please let me know if
anyone has an update, i'm just a little excited and
getting ancy because i don't leave until friday.

AND does anyony know a decent garage in the east bay,
oakland/berkeley? my El Camino died Saturday night and
is sitting near the Rockridge Bart station. I think
the ignition or starter expired, but i don't have the
time to even try and figure it out now. why couldn't
this have happened last month, or even last week? oh
well. any help is appreciated.

thanks all.
arie villasol
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